Dynamic Profiling

X-Stream Dynamic Profiling is a new leadership methodology that is powerful, practical, and fast. These courses will teach you how to evaluate someone else and shift your own communication style in order to influence them. That’s not just interesting—it’s powerful. The skills learned in these four-part courses allow you to better understand the actions, behaviors, and motivations of other people by simply having a 30 to 90-second conversation.

The Skills You Need to Succeed

Dynamic Profiling will not only help you further understand your own personality but will also teach you how to evaluate someone else and shift your own communication style in order to influence them.

Dynamic Profiling is the most powerful leadership skill we have developed in 30+ years in business!

It has allowed our team to further achieve our goal of changing lives and creating world-class leaders. These unique webinar sessions will show you how to:

  • Identify precisely who someone else is so that you can dramatically increase your influence in the moment
  • Learn how to predict what someone will do under stress
  • Learn how to drive your business instead of your business driving you
  • Understand why people do what they do and proactively deal with problems before they become a crisis
  • Build dynamic teams and relationships that stand the test of time and stress

Profiling Stages



JR is an absolute genius and is able to transfer his understanding to others. If you get a change to attend any of his training, do not walk, but run to sign up!

JR and his team of super stars are consumate professionals in their field. From government to corporate, they will get you squared away.
